Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Publications From WDGER

The Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources has announced the availability of the following publications:

Open File Report 2011-1. Geologic map of the Monroe 7.5-minute quadrangle, King and Snohomish Counties, Washington, by J. D. Dragovich, M. L. Anderson, S. A. Mahan, C. J. Koger, J. H. Saltonstall, J. H. MacDonald Jr., G. R. Wessel, B. A. Stoker, J. P. Bethel, J. E. Labadie, Recep Cakir, J. D. Bowman, and S. A. DuFrane. 2011. 42 x 36 in. color sheet, scale 1:24,000, with 24 p. text. (Available online only, at http://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/ger_ofr2011-1_geol_map_monroe_24k.zip [15.6 MB])

Open File Report 2011-2. Analytical data from the Monroe 7.5-minute quadrangle, King and Snohomish Counties, Washington—Supplement to Open File Report 2011-1, by J. D. Dragovich, S. A. Mahan, M. L. Anderson, J. H. MacDonald Jr., G. R. Wessel, S. A. DuFrane, Recep Cakir, J. D. Bowman, and H. A. Littke. 2011. 61 p., 2 plates, and 2 Microsoft Excel files. (Available online only, at http://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/ger_ofr2011-2_monroe_supplement.zip [34.6 MB])

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hearing on HPA Fee Bill Tomorrow!

Yes, that's right folks.  The House Committee on Ways & Means has scheduled a public hearing on HB 2135, the bill that would establish a $150 application fee for an HPA as reported earlier here.

The hearing is to take place in the John L. O'Brien Building, House Hearing Rm A, Olympia, WA tomorrow, December 6, at 10:00 AM...unless changed by the legislature before then.

It seems to this observer that, if these people really represented us, as they claim to do, they would actively seek our input instead of setting up so-called "public hearings" on such short notice that the public is effectively precluded from attending.  But, I digress.

More on this unfolding travesty as it occurs.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Are HPA Fees On The Way?

Here we go again!

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has, through the offices of Representatives Zack Hudgins and Ross Hunter, introduced HB 2135, a bill which, if passed and signed into law, would allow WDFW to "charge  a  one  hundred  fifty  dollar application  fee  for  all  applications  for  hydraulic  project  permits under  this  chapter  to  recover  the  costs  for  processing  permit applications."

Needless to say, since the recently approved beach mining requires an HPA, it would cost $150 just to apply to go gold panning at the ocean if this bill is enacted, making the activity prohibitively expensive.  Can you say, "Hard won, easily lost?"

Please feel free to use the links above to contact Representatives Hudgins and Hunter, if you are so inclined, and to read the text of the bill and follow its progress in the legislature.  At the moment, the bill is in the House Ways & Means Committee.